Company Secretary & Corporate Governance
Sue is a company director, and consultant in corporate governance and board effectiveness. For many years she was a tutor for the Australian Institute of Company Directors, covering directors’ duties, financial reporting, and board processes.
She qualified as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG in the UK and holds a BA (Hons) in Economics and History together with a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment and a Master of Applied Science (Organisation dynamics).
Sue is currently a non-executive director of the Medical Indemnity Protection Society and the ANZ Australian Staff Superannuation Fund. She also chairs the board of an industry redundancy fund.
Her previous work experience includes 10 years in senior finance roles within ANZ Bank, including 4 years as Chief Financial Officer of ANZ Funds Management. She was ASIC Regional Commissioner for Victoria from 1999 to 2001. She has 20 years’ experience on the boards of for-purpose organisations, private and public companies and state and federal government entities.