The EPA program was developed for people with illness, injury, or with a disability who may just be looking to engage or re-engage with horses for fitness, for the love of riding or just to interact with other like-minded people. In this pathway we initially offer participants the support and training to develop skills they will need in order to participate safely in equine activities, to ensure they have sufficient stability and balance then assist them to remain involved in the sport at whatever level they choose.
While there are many riding clubs throughout Australia which allow riders to participate in entry level competition and training opportunities, participation and membership in these clubs is usually dependent on owning a horse which may be a deterrent for people wanting to begin and clubs and coaches may be unsure of the appropriate techniques required to coach riders with disabilities.
This is where Equine Pathways Australia makes a difference. We assist with many different aspects of participation by providing a supportive environment, assessing the needs of the participant and where required, developing suitable compensating aids for the rider through to the most important aspect, that of partnering the rider with a horse that is going to be best suited to their individual needs.
The two-day clinic are supportive environment with a close knit community of riders, volunteers and support crew. The clinic consist of group and individual sessions with coaches and allied health providers and a group lunch with plenty of time to meet other riders, watch other lessons, help in the stables or rest.