We all participate in sport for many different reason:
- Some are interest in maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle and healthy lifestyle
- Other love the trill of competing with their friends
- A rare few set their sights on winning medals for their country.
Whatever the motivation, people who participate in sport are on a pathway.
The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) has developed the Foundations, Talent, Elite and Mastery framework (FTEME framework) to capture these different pathways.
FTEM provides a practical tool to assist sporting stakeholders and their personnel, coaches, teachers, parents, etc. in reviewing planning and supporting athlete pathways.
The framework consists of four macro phases of athlete development (Foundation, Talent, Elite and Mastery), which are further differentiated into 10 micro phases.
This document is designed to outline the way in which Equine Pathways Australia Ltd will identify and assist athletes to progress through a structured program of education, training and support to achieve their highest equestrian goals.
The first part of the document summaries the macro and micro phases of the program.
The second chapter identifies the mechanisms by which we will interact with our participant base.
The final section is a detailed explanation of targets and benchmarks with each of the micro phases of the program.
Through the use of this framework, we intend to identify, train and develop athletes from entry level through to sustained podium performance at an international level, thereby creating an increase in participation at all levels weather an athlete wishes to follow the entire pathway, or simply participate for the love of the sport.